The key to fishing expertise

I have been frequently asked by my close buddies on what's the key to my fishing expertise. You know there is no simple answer because now it's almost my habit. Ever since I was 4 years old, I already began going with my dad for fishing. My dad started teaching me how to start fishing and then how to catch one and buy masked angelfish. So most probably the secret to my fishing expertise is the fact that I started to learn it at a young age.

I found that the main problem to most of my friends that they don't even know the basics of fishing. The reason for this is that their dads actually did not teach them the way to fish when they were young. I noticed my dad did something different while teaching us fishing that made the difference.

So let me share to you some hints on the way to teach your kid fishing.

1. You should get kids in a fishing boat at a very young age. Look closely at your child's safety and subsequently respond to their queries. Never forget that you are there because you will teaching your kids how to fish not to buy black bandit angelfish. Therefore you have to inspire them.

2. Next, go to a location wherein your kids will be able to catch a lot of fishes promptly. Since your kids still do not have enough patience, go to a place where they can catch fishes within 10 to 12 minutes. Never forget that the number of fishes they're going to catch is much more important for them than the quality of the place.

3. Cheer your kids for every fish they catch. You really have to make a big deal out of it by perhaps taking a photo or video while they're fishing. Teach him how to clean the fish with a table knife. Once your kid sees the connection from catching to cleaning to cooking, he will be hooked with fishing. Kids do really have to sense the enjoyment of fishing.

4. Once your kid is familiar with fishing, take him with you while you go for fishing. Make them also realize the value of patience in fishing. Let them help with the cleaning and cutting of fishes.

5. It certainly is so difficult to go fishing during the summer. You should not take your kid for fishing in blistering summer when there is no cloud, wind and you can't even touch the fiber glass cover because its to hot. Fishing on summer days, really stretched the "fun" part of fishing, and it certainly not the time to have any young children with you. Hence, you should start to teach fishing when the environment is cool and comfortable and gradually expose them in more challenging environment like hot summer or very cold weather.

6. Whenever your child already has the skills in fishing, let him/her have his own hat, fishing rod and reel, as well as tackle box in the saltwater fish store.

You must train your kids about fishing. They will simply acquire the skills on fishing by following you and so tag them along with you whenever you can.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 10:09 PM

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